Apache Tomcat 6 Download


Download apache tomcat 6.0 for free. Internet & Network tools downloads - Apache Tomcat by The Apache Software Foundation and many more programs are available for instant and free download. Apache Tomcat is next to Apache's HTTP server, the second most successful technology the foundation is developing and curating. The Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages are technologies used in rendering Java-based web pages, and while many think they are a standard, you can still implement different ways how these technologies are run.

Free download page for Project General Utilities's apache-tomcat-6.0.20.exe.General Utilities for Software. Jan 13, 2021 Tomcat is very helpful for a developer and it is compliant with almost all the security standard features required for system administrators. Tomcat is a commonly used servlet engine. It can be used as a stand-alone web server or embedded into another server, like JBoss or Apache. Apache Commons DBCP pool that Tomcat uses by default does not support it. See its Javadoc for BasicDataSource class. Apache Tomcat JDBC pool (included with Tomcat 7 and later) does support it, but by default this support is disabled and can be enabled by alternateUsernameAllowed attribute. See its documentation for details.

Apache Tomcat Versions

Apache Tomcat® is an open source software implementation of asubset of the Jakarta EE (formally Java EE) technologies. Different versions ofApache Tomcat are available for different versions of the specifications. Themapping betweenthespecifications and the respective Apache Tomcat versions is:

Servlet SpecJSP SpecEL SpecWebSocket SpecAuthentication (JASIC) SpecApache Tomcat VersionLatest Released VersionSupported Java Versions (beta)8 and later and later and later (superseded)8.0.53 (superseded)7 and later and later
(7 and later for WebSocket) (archived)6.0.53 (archived)5 and later
2.42.0N/AN/AN/A5.5.x (archived)5.5.36 (archived)1.4 and later
2.31.2N/AN/AN/A4.1.x (archived)4.1.40 (archived)1.3 and later
2.21.1N/AN/AN/A3.3.x (archived)3.3.2 (archived)1.1 and later

Each version of Tomcat is supported for any stable Java release that meetsthe requirements of the final column in the table above.

Tomcat should also work on any Java early access build that meets therequirements of the final column in the table above. For example, users weresuccessfully running Tomcat 8 on Java 8 many months before the first stable Java8 release. However, users of early access builds should be aware of thefollowing:

  • It is not unusual for the initial early access builds to contain bugs that can cause problems for web applications running on Tomcat.
  • If the new Java version introduces new language features then the default JSP compiler may not support them immediately. Switching the JSP compiler to javac may enable these new language features to be used in JSPs.
  • If you do discover an problem using a Java early access build, please ask for help. The Tomcat user's mailing list is probably the best place to start.

The releases are described in more detail below to help you determinewhich one is right for you. More details about each release can be found inthe associated release notes.

Apache Tomcat 6.0.20 Download

Please note that although we offer downloads and documentation of olderreleases, such as Apache Tomcat 7.x, we strongly encourage users to use thelatest stable version of Apache Tomcat whenever possible. We recognize thatupgrading across major versions may not be a trivial task, and some support isstill offered on the mailing list for users of old versions. However, becauseof the community-driven support approach, the older your version, fewer peoplewill be interested or able to support you.

Alpha / Beta / Stable

When voting for a release, reviewers specify the stability level that theyconsider the release has reached. Initial releases of a new major versiontypically process from Alpha, through Beta to Stable over a period of severalmonths. However, the Stable level is only available once the Java specificationsthe release implements have been finalised. This means a release that in allother respects is considered stable, may still be labelled as Beta if thespecifications are not final.

The download pages will always show the latest stable release and any newerAlpha or Beta release if one exists. Alpha and beta releases are always clearlymarked on the download pages.

Stability is a subjective judgement and you should always read carefully therelease notes for any version you intend to make use of. If you are an earlyadopter of a release, we would love to hear your opinion about its stability aspart of the vote: it takes place on the development mailinglist.

Alpha releases may contain large amounts of untested/missingfunctionality required by the specification and/or significant bugs and are notexpected to run stably for any length of time.

Beta releases may contain some untested functionality and/ora number of relatively minor bugs. Beta releases are not expected to run stably.

Stable releases may contain a small number of relativelyminor bugs. Stable releases are intended for production use and are expected torun stably for extended periods of time.

Apache Tomcat 10.x

Apache Tomcat 10.x is the current focus of development. Itbuilds on Tomcat 9.0.x and implements the Servlet5.0, JSP 3.0, EL 4.0, WebSocket 2.0 and Authentication 2.0 specifications (the versions required byJakarta EE 9 platform).

Apache Tomcat 9.x

Apache Tomcat 9.x is the current focus of development. Itbuilds on Tomcat 8.0.x and 8.5.x and implements the Servlet4.0, JSP 2.3, EL 3.0, WebSocket 1.1 and JASPIC 1.1 specifications (the versions required byJava EE 8 platform). In addition to this, it includesthe following significant improvements:

  • Adds support for HTTP/2 (requires either running on Java 9 (since Apache Tomcat 9.0.0.M18) or the Tomcat Native library being installed)
  • Adds support for using OpenSSL for TLS support with the JSSE connectors (NIO and NIO2)
  • Adds support for TLS virtual hosting (SNI)

Apache Tomcat 8.x

Apache Tomcat 8.0.x builds on Tomcat 7.0.x and implements theServlet 3.1, JSP 2.3, EL 3.0and WebSocket 1.1 specifications. In additionto that, it includes the following significant improvements:

  • A single, common resources implementation to replace the multiple resource extension features provided in earlier versions.

Apache Tomcat 8.5.x supports the same Servlet, JSP, EL, andWebSocket Specification versions as Apache Tomcat 8.0.x. In addition to that,it also implements the JASPIC 1.1 specification.

It was created in March 2016 as a fork from Tomcat 9.0.0.M4 (alpha)milestone release. It provides HTTP/2 support and other features fromTomcat 9.x codebase, while being compatible with Tomcat 8.0 runtime andspecification requirements. (A stable release of Tomcat 9.0 could not becreated at that time, as Java EE specifications targeted by Tomcat 9 werefinalized only a few years later).

Tomcat 8.5 is thought as a replacement for Tomcat 8.0. Please refer toMigration guide for guidance on migrating toTomcat 8.5.

Apache Tomcat 8.5.x includes the following significant improvements:

  • Adds support for HTTP/2 (requires the Tomcat Native library)
  • Adds support for using OpenSSL for TLS support with the JSSE connectors (NIO and NIO2)
  • Adds support for TLS virtual hosting (SNI)

The following technologies were removed in Apache Tomcat 8.5.x:

  • BIO implementation of HTTP and AJP connectors
  • Support for Comet API

There are significant changes in many areas under the hood, resulting inimproved performance, stability, and total cost of ownership. Please referto the Apache Tomcat 8.5 Changelog for details.

Users of Tomcat 8.0 should be aware that Tomcat 8.0 has now reachedend of life. Users of Tomcat 8.0.x shouldupgrade to Tomcat 8.5.x or later.

Apache Tomcat 7.x

Apache Tomcat 7.x builds upon the improvements made inTomcat 6.0.x and implements the Servlet 3.0,JSP 2.2, EL 2.2 andWebSocket 1.1 specifications. In additionto that, it includes the following improvements:

  • Web application memory leak detection and prevention
  • Improved security for the Manager and Host Manager applications
  • Generic CSRF protection
  • Support for including external content directly in a web application
  • Refactoring (connectors, lifecycle) and lots of internal code clean-up

Users of Tomcat 7 should be aware thatend of life has been announced for Tomcat 7.Users of Tomcat 7.x should upgrade to Tomcat 8.5.x or later.

Apache Tomcat 6.x

Apache Tomcat 6.x builds upon the improvements made inTomcat 5.5.x and implements the Servlet 2.5 andJSP 2.1 specifications. In addition to that, it includes thefollowing improvements:

  • Memory usage optimizations
  • Advanced IO capabilities
  • Refactored clustering

Users of Tomcat 6 should be aware that Tomcat 6 has now reachedend of life. Users of Tomcat 6.x shouldupgrade to Tomcat 7.x or later.

Apache Tomcat 5.x

Apache Tomcat 5.x is available for download from thearchives.

Apache Tomcat 5.5.x supports the same Servlet and JSPSpecification versions as Apache Tomcat 5.0.x. There are significant changesin many areas under the hood, resulting in improved performance, stability,and total cost of ownership. Please refer to the Apache Tomcat 5.5 Changelogfor details.

Apache Tomcat 5.0.x improves on Apache Tomcat 4.1 in manyways, including:

  • Performance optimizations and reduced garbage collection
  • Refactored application deployer, with an optional standalone deployerallowing validation and compilation of a web application before puttingit in production
  • Complete server monitoring using JMX and the manager web application
  • Scalability and reliability enhancements
  • Improved Taglibs handling, including advanced pooling and tag plugins
  • Improved platform integration, with native Windows and Unix wrappers
  • Embedding using JMX
  • Enhanced Security Manager support
  • Integrated session clustering
  • Expanded documentation

Users of Tomcat 5 should be aware that Tomcat 5 has now reachedend of life. Users of Tomcat 5.x shouldupgrade to Tomcat 7.x or later.

Apache Tomcat 4.x

Apache Tomcat 4.x is available for download from thearchives.

Apache Tomcat 4.x implements a new servlet container (calledCatalina) that is based on completely new architecture. The 4.x releasesimplement the Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2specifications.

Apache Tomcat 4.1.x is a refactoringof Apache Tomcat 4.0.x, and contains significant enhancements, including:

  • JMX based administration features
  • JSP and Struts based administration web application
  • New Coyote connector (HTTP/1.1, AJP 1.3 and JNI support)
  • Rewritten Jasper JSP page compiler
  • Performance and memory efficiency improvements
  • Enhanced manager application support for integration with developmenttools
  • Custom Ant tasks to interact with the manager application directlyfrom build.xml scripts

Apache Tomcat 4.0.x. Apache Tomcat 4.0.6 is the old productionquality release. The 4.0 servletcontainer (Catalina) has been developed from the ground up for flexibility andperformance. Version 4.0 implements the final released versions of the Servlet2.3 and JSP 1.2 specifications. As required by the specifications, Apache Tomcat 4.0also supports web applications built for the Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1specifications with no changes.

Users of Tomcat 4 should be aware that Tomcat 4 has now reachedend of life. Users of Tomcat 4.x should upgrade to Tomcat 7.x orlater.

Apache Tomcat 3.x

Apache Tomcat 3.x is available for download from thearchives.

  • Version 3.3 is the current production quality release forthe Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1 specifications. Apache Tomcat 3.3 is the latestcontinuation of the Apache Tomcat 3.x architecture; it is more advanced then 3.2.4,which is the 'old' production quality release.
  • Version 3.2.4 is the 'old' production quality release and is now inmaintenance only mode.
  • Version 3.1.1 is a legacy release.

All Apache Tomcat 3.x releases trace their heritage back to theoriginal Servlet and JSP implementations that Sun donated to the ApacheSoftware Foundation. The 3.x versions all implement the Servlet2.2 and JSP 1.1 specifications.

Apache Tomcat 6 Download For Windows 64-bit

Apache Tomcat 3.3.x. Version 3.3.2 is the current productionquality release. It continues the refactoring that was begun in version 3.2 andcarries it to its logical conclusion. Version 3.3 provides a much more modulardesign and allows the servlet container to be customized by adding and removingmodules that control the processing of servlet requests. This version alsocontains many performance improvements.

Apache Tomcat 3.2.x. Version 3.2 added few new featuressince 3.1; the major effort was a refactoring of the internals to improveperformance and stability. The 3.2.1 release, like 3.1.1, was a securitypatch. Version 3.2.2 fixed a large number of bugs and all knownspecification compliance issues. Version 3.2.3 was a security update thatcloses a serious security hole. Version 3.2.4 is a minor bug fix release.All users of Apache Tomcat versions prior to 3.2.3 should upgrade as soon aspossible. With the exception of fixes for critical security related bugs,development on the Apache Tomcat 3.2.x branch has stopped.

Apache Tomcat 3.1.x. The 3.1 release contained severalimprovements over Apache Tomcat 3.0, including servlet reloading, WAR filesupport and added connectors for the IIS and Netscape web servers. Thelatest maintenance release, 3.1.1, contained fixes for security problems.There is no active development ongoing for Apache Tomcat 3.1.x. Users of Apache Tomcat3.1 should update to 3.1.1 to close the security holes and they arestrongly encouraged to migrate to the current production release, Apache Tomcat3.3.

Apache Tomcat 3.0.x. Initial Apache Tomcat release.

Users of Tomcat 3 should be aware that Tomcat 3 has now reachedend of life. Users of Tomcat 3.x should upgrade to Tomcat 7.x orlater.


Tomcat 8 Software Downloads

Welcome to the Apache Tomcat® 8.x software download page. This page provides download links for obtaining the latest versions of Tomcat 8.x software, as well as links to the archives of older releases.

Unsure which version you need? Specification versions implemented, minimum Java version required and lots more useful information may be found on the 'which version?' page.

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Apache Tomcat 7 Download For Windows

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Apache Tomcat 6 Download For Linux

You mustverify the integrity of the downloaded files. We provide OpenPGP signatures for every release file. This signature should be matched against the KEYS file which contains the OpenPGP keys of Tomcat's Release Managers. We also provide SHA-512 checksums for every release file. After you download the file, you should calculate a checksum for your download, and make sure it is the same as ours.


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Please see the README file for packaging information. It explains what every distribution contains.

Binary Distributions

  • Core:
    • zip (pgp, sha512)
    • tar.gz (pgp, sha512)
    • 32-bit Windows zip (pgp, sha512)
    • 64-bit Windows zip (pgp, sha512)
    • 32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer (pgp, sha512)
  • Full documentation:
    • tar.gz (pgp, sha512)
  • Deployer:
    • zip (pgp, sha512)
    • tar.gz (pgp, sha512)
  • Extras:
    • JMX Remote jar (pgp, sha512)
    • Web services jar (pgp, sha512)
  • Embedded:
    • tar.gz (pgp, sha512)
    • zip (pgp, sha512)

Source Code Distributions