How To Auto Tune A Raphousebrown

  1. How To Autotune
  2. How To Auto Tune Vocals
  3. How To Auto Tune Your Voice For Free
  4. Autotune

It Doesn't Do What You Think It Does

If you want to get the auto-tune pitch correction effect but don't want to buy the $600 Antares plug-in you can use this FREE online Flash auto-tuner. HOW TO USE AUTOTUNE THE RIGHT WAY AND SOUND LIKE YOUR FAVORITE RAPPERS ️ Follow BoybandTwitch 👾 🐦

Auto Tune is a method and pitch correct tool that is most commonly used by Music Producers to improve recorded vocals that have pitch and tuning problems. Auto tune has been around for decades in various hardware and synthesiser units but these days companies such as Antares create a vast select of software plug ins that will give you the auto tune effect.

This article will explain what auto tune actually is as I find 'Auto Tune' is being used as a term thrown around by people without any idea of what 'Auto Tune' is, what it does and can what it can destroy. I will also explain what the alternative method is to auto tune.

Auto Tune Is A Term Generally Misunderstood

I believe auto tune is a term mostly used by people to describe what they hear as a poorly performed and recorded vocal being improved upon by technology. People use this term 'Auto Tune' as though they are being lied to, that the auto tune is making them believe that whoever is singing on the recording can not sing very well because auto tune is on their voice. I feel the term Auto Tune also allows anybody to have an opinion on what truly lies beneath it.

Example: 'Can that person sing?' - 'No... they're rubbish... you can hear they've been auto tuned!!'

I feel that the above example is not a fair comment for people to make against artists, producers and mix engineers that have used auto tune on vocals as they may have had an artist or creative reason to use it. I know I have.

Have a listen to the example below. You will hear what the auto tune effect is in a nut shell. You'll also hear how this particular auto tune effect works with the style of music they have chosen.

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The Obvious Sound Of Auto Tune

I understand auto tune to be what I'm relaying to you in example 1. A bit of software, that with very little setup, forces every note sung into the key of the song. This method removes any natural feeling, vibrato and tone from the original vocal. It gives the vocal a very synthesised, almost instrumental feel and presence that can not be achieved by singing naturally. This creative effect can be great to use if a song, genre and mix dictates it, however I find that it does not fit the majority of styles I work on nor can achieve the results people believe auto tune provides.

The Alternative To Auto Tune - Manual Tune

When I'm presented with vocals that needs to be pitch corrected I use a different method that I call manual tune. I do not treat manual tune as an effect like in example 1 but more as a dynamic 'air brush' stage to improve an already good vocal performance. I use a software called Melodyne.

Melodyne enables me to adjust individual notes and phrases within the performance to keep a natural and transparent sound. Listen to the example below to hear what it does.


In this video tutorial you will learn how to get the most out of your vocal tracks with a few editing tips and tricks in Melodyne. More Melodyne tutorials:


In this video tutorial you will learn how to get the most out of your vocal tracks with a few editing tips and tricks in Melodyne. More Melodyne tutorials:


When manual tuning I rely on my ears and musicianship to always keep a vocal sounding natural. If I push melodyne it gives me an auto tune effect that most of the time I don't need.

How Both Auto And Manual Tune Can Destroy A Vocal

Both methods can improve a vocal in a mix... there is no doubt about it. The problem is that if either method is used badly it can sound obvious and unnatural, even to the untrained ear which for me is an absolute fail if your brief was create a great and natural sounding mix. I would rather re-record better vocals than try to fix poorly performed tracks any time.

It must be remembered these tools help to improve, not fix something that is badly performed in the first place. Never record a vocal with the mind set of - 'It can be fixed with auto tune later'. Auto and manual tune will not fix a bad vocal in the ways you would think it might. Manual tuning will have a better chance but can, if pushed, sound unnatural in other ways like auto tune. Small adjustments with manual tune will always sound better and for me, if I can't hear my manual tuning, I have done a good job.

How to Start Auto Tune up Shop?

This article about auto tune up shop started here at Biz Marketing 61. If you were a subscriber, or a reader of the Biz Marketing NewsletterWBM, then you read part one of it in that newsletter. Here's the rest of the comprehensive guide.

If you were not on the Wise Biz Marketing List, please read part one of the article on the first link above and subscribe to the newsletter to get many benefits from it. The newsletter highlights and gets into depth taking both, offline businesses and online businesses alike.

Auto Tune Up Shop - Part 2 -

You, as the operator of a quick auto tune up shop, should not volunteer any major mechanical work. Suggest someone whose work you trust.

Your customer will appreciate your suggestion and concern. And he'll remain loyal to you for not taking his money and attempting to give him a repair job in an area where you don't specialize.

After all, you're a tune-up specialist - the guy who knows all there is to know about a car's ignition system - the guy who keeps cars running smoothly.

By specializing in a particular area of auto repair, and recommending other specialists as needed, you'll be able to quickly dispel the skepticism many car owners have for independent auto repair shops in general.

An assembly line in-and-out operation will reduce the necessary investment for tools, enable you to hire lower-cost workers, and greatly increase your profit potential by eliminating wasted motion. Keep it simple, routine and according to a definite procedure on every car.

Once you have your business established and a regular following of people who bring their cars to you for regular tune-ups - usually every six months - you can begin thinking about expansion. It's best to hire college students, or 'car-crazy' high school students, to work alongside you.

Give your customers a chance to recognize and know your help. When you find one who seems to be especially mechanically inclined, take him aside and offer him the title of assistant manager of your auto tune-up shop.

Teach this young man how you want the business to operate; explain where the profit comes from; and assign more of the actual responsibilities to him. Leave him on his own to run the auto tune up shop for longer periods of time.

Be patient; compliment him on his work; and if you want him to stay with you, give him a raise now and then, and eventually, a percentage of the profits.

Offering him a percentage arrangement will result in even greater profits for you, plus a very strong local image for your auto tune up business.

How To Auto Tune A Raphousebrown

Because you're 'giving him' a part of the business, he'll promote your auto tune-up business to his friends, and through him and his friends, a long line of new customers and a chain of loyalty that could become more valuable to your business than any amount of advertising you could buy.

Additional business idea, is to take the offline auto tune up business online too to get more customers and more free publicity for your business, as explained at the Ezine Acts Business along with the Ezine Acts Home Business and the Ezine Acts Offline Businesses.

When you're ready to expand your operation from your garage to a regular commercial location, look for a vacant service station. One of the larger facilities built by a major oil company, located on a strategic corner, will be your best bet.

So long as you operate out of your garage and on a small scale, you probably won't have to worry too much about licenses.

That is, providing you get along well with your neighbours, don't clutter up the street with 5 or 10 cars at a time, and don't erect any kind of sign indicating you're doing the auto tune up business in a residentially zoned neighbourhood.

However, once you move into a commercial location, you'll need to register the name of your auto tune up shop business with the appropriate local government authority. In most states, this is the office of the county clerk.

If your state has a sales tax, you'll have to check with the state tax commissioner's office to learn the rules on how the collection system operates.

All these licensing offices are in reality offices for tax collecting. Basically, they know nothing about your auto tune up business, and usually could care less. Their main reason for existence is simply the collection of money for the administration of government in your area.

If they should ask you questions relative to the worth of your business, or how much money you will be taking in, always estimate a much lower figure than either the true worth or those you anticipate.

Most license fees are based upon the investment of the entrepreneur and his anticipated income from the new business, and you certainly don't want to start off paying excess taxes.

A good eye-catching sign is vital to the success of any business in a commercial location. The most important requirement for you is visibility.

Your sign should be big enough and tall enough for people to see it from several different directions at a distance of at least a half block away. Check with your city ordinances for the sign limitations in the location you select.

Secondly, your sign should immediately state the service you're offering. Hence, a sign that clearly and simply announces 'Auto Tune-up shops' fits this requirement.

However, in order to attract customers into your auto tune up shop, your sign should 'promise' a benefit. It should describe an added benefit to the reader. So, your sign should read: 'Rapid Auto Tune-Up!'

Basically, that's all you'll need for a sign, but to 'fill it out' you might come up with a special logo or business motto. You can probably get an art student at your local college to design something for little more than the privilege of including it in his or her portfolio.

For a business slogan or motto, something along the lines of 'Better performance from your car, at a price you can afford,' is the kind of thing you want to come up with, and that will do you the most good.

Remember, fast, efficient service and low prices, coupled with a personality that makes the customer feel you're his friend, are the keys to your success.

Organize yourself; start your auto tune up shop slowly and build your customer loyalty; instill these principles in your employees, and you'll be on your way. Study this report again, then act on the recommendations given here.

Moreover, there are just so many businesses offline you can read about and think wisely to take the one of the things that interest you and then do it offline.

The best of them all are businesses you can start at your garage, making even garage sales, while inviting guests to your party plan sale, or businesses you can do on your yards. See the offline business section below.

How To Autotune

In addition to AUTO TUNE UP SHOP, you may also be interested in the following Ezine Acts Articles in the Ezine Acts Articles Section, the Ezine Acts Business Financing Section and the Offline Business Section of the Ezine Act:

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How To Auto Tune Vocals

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You can even use your auto tune up shop to start an online home business and work at home project using the following website building and optimizing tools. You will learn through the tools how to use big auto companies to make money online.

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How To Auto Tune Your Voice For Free

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